Back to overview AIR ZIN is intended for all art disciplines. For Kloosterhotel ZIN, art offers a starting point in being open to the less obvious in everyday reality. Art can be an eye opener for hotel guests. That is why, already from the start, Kloosterhotel ZIN sees art as an essential tool to bring groups into contact with the meaning of their work, with the spirit from which they motivate themselves and with the power of creating and recreating when establishing new values.

The AIR ZIN is part of Kloosterhotel ZIN, founded by the Brothers of Tilburg. It is located in the former gardener’s house. On the site, the studio fulfills the role of a laboratory for the arts such as visual arts, music, theatre, dance and literature. To stay in the residency is free of charge, including room and meals. Interaction between artists, employees and guests of the Kloosterhotel ZIN is appreciated.

The former monastery, which was renovated by architects Markx & Steketee, offers meetings and training courses in which people work towards a sustainable society, guided by meaning and work. It is anchored in the spiritual tradition of the brothers but at the same time it stands firmly in the present.

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